The sun is setting on a city landscape
Philadelphia is dubbed an ‘urban beach,’ with the trendy, temporary Spruce Street Harbor Park on the Delaware River Waterfront over summer, complete with hammocks, floating restaurants, and craft beer gardens.

10 Amazing Vacation Spots in the USA to Visit in Summer 2019

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Although often overshadowed by New York to the north and Washington, D.C. to the south, Philly has recently been forging a name for itself as a popular under-the-radar US summer destination. UNESCO crowned Philadelphia the First World Heritage City in the US, Pope Francis dropped by not too long ago and innovative pop-up parks are getting all the right kinds of attention.

Dubbed an ‘urban beach,’ the trendy, temporary Spruce Street Harbor Park appears on the Delaware River Waterfront over summer, complete with hammocks, floating restaurants and beer gardens.

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