Baby wipes container with lid open and wipe pulled halfway out.
Hold onto those old wipes containers!
Photo Credit: Getty Images

10 of the Best Travel Hacks on Pinterest

Repurpose an Old Wipes Container

Pinterest users are pros at repurposing things around the house. We’ve seen plastic wipes containers repurposed in many helpful ways for travel.

Take hiding your valuables a step further and turn a wipes container into this useful clutch that no one will think holds valuables.

Make a handy travel first aid kit and you will be prepared for the inevitable scratches and bumps that come from traveling with kids.

Open leather suitcase with folded clothes. Red high tops, iPad, passport and wallet all sitting outside.Having to fit clothes for several people in one suitcase can make for a messy experience.Photo Credit: Getty Images

Organized Packing

Packing for several people in one suitcase can quickly get messy even if you attempt to be organized. However, by packing each person’s clothing in individual packing cubes, or even zipper bags, you will be able to stay organized during your entire trip.

Ziploc packing makes for simple suitcase organization and makes it easier for each person to get dressed each morning without searching for missing components to their outfits. Simply pack each outfit into its own Ziploc bag.

Or, turn your suitcase into a dresser-on-the-go with the use of packing cubes or other similar items that you may have around the house.

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Little boy eating slice of pizza in car.Any tip that'll keep your car clean over the course of a road trip is a life saver!Photo Credit: Getty Images

Use a Cereal Container as a Car Trash Can

One of the things we usually don’t consider when planning a road trip is just how dirty the car is going to get in the process of all that fun. We’ve all lamented about how messy our car can get after a road trip, with kids especially.

Make it easy for your kids to keep the car clean with this car trash can made from a repurposed cereal container.

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