Whale shark in the waters near Cancun
Whale sharks can grow up to 65 feet in length and weigh over 12 tons, but even young children will enjoy swimming with them.
Photo Credit: Getty Images

7 Ways to Experience What Lies Beyond the Beach in Cancun

Swim with the Gentle Giants of the Sea

If you’re wondering what to do in Cancun in May through September, you’re in luck. You’ll have the opportunity to swim with friendly whale sharks, often called gentle giants. Despite their huge mouths and thousands of teeth, they pose no risk to humans, eating only tiny micro-organisms, and they’re incredibly docile creatures.

Even fairly young children can enjoy this experience, accompanied by expert guides. You’ll get within just a few yards of these animals that can grow up to 65 feet in length and weigh over 12 tons. Many whale shark tours also include the opportunity for snorkeling the coral reefs and viewing marine life like sea turtles, manta rays, dolphins and all sorts of tropical fish.

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